We had the absolute pleasure of helping the incredible Heartland Men’s Chorus Kansas City establish a new home base for their offices, meeting space, creative team, and storage. HMCKC is a Chorus, established in 1986, that regularly performs with more than 125 singers and presents a three-concert season at the historic Folly Theater.
We sat down with Dudley Hogue, Executive Director of HMCKC, to ask a couple questions about the Chorus. Check out what he had to say below and learn more about Heartland Men’s Chorus Kansas City on their website: www.hmckc.org.

How did HMCKC get its start in Kansas City?
HMCKC started when a small group of men heard about the gay chorus movement in the country. It was also focused heavily on being a safe place for gay men to gather and sing OUT in Kansas City. What started as a Chorus with approximately 30 men singing in the first concert in 1986, and has developed into one of Kansas City’s finest performing arts groups with over 140 members.
Why did HMCKC choose Clemons Real Estate?
We chose Clemons because we found the office site we were interested in and they helped us make it a reality!
What made you choose your location?
We wanted to be in the Westport/Midtown area where we have been centered for over 30 years. Nutterville was a perfect match, and the house provided for all of our needs, especially allowing us to consolidate all staff, meeting space and storage in one location!
What’s the secret to the success of HMCKC?
Our members! Although that’s not much of a secret – because we advertise their talents all over town! They are closely followed by our supporters: audience members, donors, sponsors, and our Board of Directors.
What sets you apart from other choirs?
HMCKC is the largest LGBTQIA+ performing arts group in the region. What started as a gay men’s chorus now accepts anyone who can sing in the TTBB vocal range. We have the largest membership, staff, budget and number of supporters than any other LGBTQIA+ Chorus, and have been called an important member of the Kansas City arts community.
What does the future hold for HMCKC?
HMCKC is now beginning its 38th season of singing to inspire a world of love and acceptance! The future is bright, and the Chorus is planning new and exciting concerts and other events to help build community, celebrate pride, and empower authenticity. Keep your eyes and ears open for news from HMCKC! i